Saturday, July 20, 2013

1959 - National A.A.U. Trampoline Championships, Amherst, MA

The 1959 National A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) Trampoline Championships were held 
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, on April 24, 1959.

Frank LaDue's article below (from the Modern Gymnast, May/June 1959), gives us unique glimpse and commentary on the technical challenges faced by athletes and judges alike during trampoline competitions in the year 1959.
Modern Gymnast, May/June 1959. Page 24
Modern Gymnast, May/June 1959. Page 25.
1. Ron Munn               9.45
2. Harvey Plant           9.35
3. Steve Johnson         8.65
Competitor's were required to perform two 10-bounce routines.
Ron Munn's front-triple-flip was the first triple somersault
performed by anyone in a national competition.

Although we have no film history of this A.A.U. event, we can watch Ron Munn's trampoline skills in this video clip from the 1959 Pan American Games held four months later.



  1. My father Winfred Scott Smith “Scott” competed on trampoline (10 bounce routine) sometime between 1955 in AAU then NCAA from ‘57 through about 61. He attended Lakewood high school near Cleveland Ohio then Ohio State. He claimed to have placed nationally either first or second during this time. Any chance you have AAU or NCAA records from the time? It would be nice to confirm this and exciting to know he was possibly a contemporary of your fathers as well as a college.

  2. My father Winfred Scott Smith “Scott” competed on trampoline (10 bounce routine) sometime between 1955 in AAU then NCAA from ‘57 through about 61. He attended Lakewood high school near Cleveland Ohio then Ohio State. He claimed to have placed nationally either first or second during this time. Any chance you have AAU or NCAA records from the time? It would be nice to confirm this and exciting to know he was possibly a contemporary of your fathers as well as a college.

    1. I will check my resources for you and let you know what I find. Thank you for posting the question!


Thank you for your comment. It will be posted soon.